Mittwoch, 30. März 2011

Gaming on Linux?

The first question I hear when talking about Ubuntu is:

Will I be able to play my games on Linux?

And the clear answer is yes and no. Yes because of the fact, that there are some games which run on Linux natively, but I have to admit that these are few.
You will be able to play Bejeweled on Linux!
(Maybe the "project bossanova" will change things)

Flash games work on Linux, as long as Flash works ;)

The interesting part about gaming on Linux is:
You will be able to play Windows games!

There is a tool called wine, which allows you to run (most) Windows applications on LInux. I'll show you how to configure it to be able to play certain games some time soon, because not being able to play your favourite game, is what keeps most Windows users sticking to Windows.

In order to demonstrate, how easy playing Windows games on Linux can be, I made a short video in which i run Warcraft III in Linux Ubuntu.

But keep in mind, that most modern games won't run on Linux just like that!

14 Kommentare:

Cory hat gesagt…

Very nice tip! I'm not a huge linux person, but it does have tons of control to it, which is awesome. It's a shame people like to make it hard for cooperation between their OSs. :P

Buzzy Lights hat gesagt…

Warcraft 3 on Linux nice!!! Thanks for sharing this!

Minecraftblogger hat gesagt…

My friend showed linux to me a few days ago, but I'm not really sure if I want to make the switch.

I mean, windows 7 is pretty good.

Unknown hat gesagt…

was just playing warcraft

WizWayne hat gesagt…

wow thanks! good to know

dende hat gesagt…

@ Minecraftblogger Ubuntu and Windows 7 > Windows XP > Windows 3.1 >Windows Vista.

SOMS hat gesagt…

linux looks so fucking great

oops.i.pood hat gesagt…

i wish i was smart enough for linux :/

Wayward Disposition hat gesagt…

I love the look and feel of linux, but I can never get it to work properly on my set up.

Unknown hat gesagt…

uhh that made linux look 400% better in my eyes, thanks for sharing REALLY! :D

botji hat gesagt…

I can imagine this is extremely helpful for people who use Linux, good tips!

Minecrafter hat gesagt…

I like Linux. It's a good system but I've uninstalled it because of the applications, eg. Photoshop CS5 won't run properly and a lot of games won't work too. Altough it's a good system for work (not if you are a graphic designer and you need Photoshop) eg. as a programmer.

Leestander hat gesagt…

i have so many times wondering to go for Ubuntu ty for a nice blogg, but can i dual boot ubuntu and Linux? is there any good dual boot programs? thanks if you answer

dende hat gesagt…

you might want to check out GRUB
It's included in all releases of Ubuntu

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