Disregard the sloppy gameplay in the video, without screencasting, everything will run smooth.
You need to install Sun Java 6
sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk
The most important command i used is
sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun
because even if the the sun-java6-jdk/jre is installed correctly, another jre/jdk like openjdk may be the preferred version of java, preventing Minecraft from starting.
The command will set SUNs JRE as the default one and evade problems.
28 Kommentare:
Cool, I learned something today.
It's good that there are some games written in Java. Multi platform gaming rocks.
Good stuff mate, its a good game
This is great!
I've never tried to play Minecraft on my Linux partition, I might have to try this out.
Your theme looks beautiful. What is it called?
Hey Danke alter, dein blog scheint sehr interessant zu sein. Werde folgen!
@-M- it's called mint-x, and you can download it here
it's the default theme in Linux Mint 10
never used linux ubuntu before, cool feature
Yeah nice Bra-htwerst
Now this is interesting for me (":
Great info!
there are games on linux! i knew it! thanks for the guide
Nice! clear and easy!
Great post. I'm actually thinking about installing Linux so it's good that I have a blog to give me info and tips for it. Thanks!
I know what Im gonna be up to today
It's a shame it isn't as easy as on a Windows machine :(
But then again Linux is always a fun challenge.
very useful for linux users, thanks. :D
Thanks for this helpful post.
I've been pondering to switch to Linux but I wasn't sure of the down sides that it would make on my precious time sink :D
thank you for sharing
wow i didn't expect minecraft to work on linux
I can't ever get minecraft to work on linux. Perhaps this one will do the trick. Thanks man!
nice song in the video :D
very nice. installed ubuntu yesterday
thanks for sharing.
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