Sonntag, 3. April 2011

Ubuntu Maverick vs. Natty vs. Mint vs. Elementary

Here you can compare the default interfaces of the different Ubuntu versions and the derivates Linux Mint and Elementary OS. Which design do you prefer?
I'll examine the differences between the different versions in an upcoming post.

Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat)
Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal)
Linux Mint
Elementary OS

23 Kommentare:

Something Concupiscible hat gesagt…

I like the Maverick one.

lol hat gesagt…

I like Mint the most to be honest. I feel it looks sharpest.

What Thenerd hat gesagt…

This makes me need to go get ubuntu back on my laptop.

cool_cicler hat gesagt…

Personally, I prefer the maverick merkaat one.

EmoGoth hat gesagt…

I have Ubuntu 10.10 now, but I think I'll install Mint when 11.04 comes out. I really don't like the new interface for Ubuntu.

apathetic impulses hat gesagt…

Maverick. Ubuntu 11 tries too hard to be different.

1HipHopBlog hat gesagt…

I had Ubuntu 10.4(?) but W7 is still my first choice, 1+ follower.

dende hat gesagt…

@EmoGoth This is exactly what i think!

Wumbo hat gesagt…

I personally use MacOS for college, but I have been hearing alot of good news on Ubuntu so I will consider trying that out on my PC back at home. Thanks! Following!

Andrew hat gesagt…

I like the mint one best. Never tired ubuntu before but i've heard good things.

iJamie hat gesagt…

yeah i havent used ubunto before but i think i will try it , i know friends who have.

taio hat gesagt…


Anonym hat gesagt…

Personally, Unbuntu 11.04 is my favorite, if you could get the far left toolbar on the bottom. I've never tried Linux or other operating systems, always have enjoyed Windows, but probably to my own detriment.

Random Stormtrooper hat gesagt…

Agreed with the above. Ubunto has been something I've been meaning to try when I get around to it... Thanks for reminding me D:

Drej hat gesagt…

I'm using Natty on my netbook, as Unity is pretty handy. Don't know if I'd want it on my Desktop though...I'm more of a KDE guy in general.

Razor hat gesagt…

is elementary based on ubuntu too?

Leestander hat gesagt…

I got 10.10 ;)

Pseudonachrichten hat gesagt…

ich hol mir am we auch ubuntu, brauche es fürs studium

Wolle hat gesagt…

Ubuntu is the shit

biboa hat gesagt…

Personally, for me it's elementary..

Ambi hat gesagt…

Mint looks best

Pseudonachrichten hat gesagt…

i have installed ubunto on my notebook what shall i do to get started?

ruse hat gesagt…

Mint is sexy.

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